The Fisherman and the Cat

Short animation

storytelling, animation, direction

This is one of the personal projects that still brings warm feelings from times when I decided to move to the UK. I worked on this project during my Artist in Residence post at University of Wolverhampton. It is a stop motion animation technique that requires painting every single frame with oil paint on glass sheets. The whole body of work consists of character design, storyboarding, animation and post-production.


Being alone not always is lonely, specially when experiences of the past leaves us with burden that we don’t want to share. The Fisherman goes through his life happy with solitude of the sea and distance from other people. This gentle soul however breaks his seclusion to open for a company of a little, unwanted cat.


(one of many versions of the story)

Character Development and Concept Art


My work on “Fisherman and the Cat” animation appeared as one of positions in book “The Fundamentals of Animation” By Paul Wells, Samantha Moore published by Bloomsbury Publishing. Below extract from the book.

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